He then surrendered to police, according to a Feb. 28 article in the Jackson Citizen-Patriot, the newspaper of record in Jackson, MI.

These sorts of embellishments are de rigueur for this type of lodging. It is a wonder only that more such rooms haven't been used for target practice, especially those featuring paintings of: a.) flying ducks; b.) a windswept sea; c.) "modern art" shapes; or d.) God and his angels.
Speaking of which, the man, who hails from Dearborn Heights, MI, left a note on the ceiling that read, "God delivered me from evil and placed me in Albion, Michigan," which, on the face of it, seems an extremely odd thing for God to do. But then, leaving a note on the ceiling seems an extremely odd thing for a human to do, so perhaps they're even.
The man was taken to the Calhoun County jail and charged with felonious assault, possession of a firearm while committing a felony, destruction of property and reckless discharge of a firearm, according to a Calhoun County Sheriff's Office release quoted in the Citizen-Patriot. In other words, they're throwin' the book at him.
An arraignment and mental evaluation are pending. In addition to firing a pistol willy-nilly about his room, the man also placed an alarm clock in the microwave and turned the oven on.
Whatever the aberrant psychological dimensions of his other acts, this seems perfectly sane and sound. Is there a human being who has awoken to the sleep-shattering sounds of an alarm clock and not wanted to bake the blasted thing in the microwave? It is regrettable only that the man didn't fire his pistol into the clock nine or ten times before incinerating it.
The "Ducks on the Wall" defense is well-established. I would refer you to Davies, Ray in re Soap Opera.